
We love all of our amazing students here at LPC. And we do truly mean this – we’re not just saying it. Each of the people who come to our classes have made a contentious effort to learn a new skill – to join a class full of strangers – to trust in a company that you can only see online – and to get up early on a Saturday or Sunday to have your head filled with strange and wonderful new concepts. It’s awesome and inspiring to see and it makes our job of getting up to teach just as inspiring.

Having said that, we have students who have had more success after our photography courses and this is what we’ve learnt about these people! Maybe these learnings will help you get the most out of your epic photography course:

  1. “Success” comes in many different forms. For some it’s better photos of their kids, for some it’s discovering a new way to express their creativity (like Macro photography), and for others it’s all about becoming a professional photographer. So have a think about what success might look like to you – and remember it’s a fluid thing that will change as your photography journey changes too.
  2. They’re invested in continual learning. Our first beginner photography course is a great place to start, and in that one day you’ll learn a lot about the fundamentals of photography. A LOT. But to be honest, our students who have had the best success haven’t stopped after just one course. These students are the ones who you see at multiple courses.
  3. They interact. They interact very seriously and very passionately in our courses and our Alumni events. This means that they are the students who are the last ones to come back from our exercises during the courses. They are the last ones to leave at the end of the day, and they are pretty much always the first ones to ask our Instructors questions. To them, this is not just about mastering the art of photography, but about having a tonne of fun in the process. This fun comes when they go searching for the best places at the Calgary Zoo or the Alberta Legislature to take photos – the best flowers, the best contrast, the best leading lines. The reward is in the search as much as in the photograph and they will be the students who leave our classes with the best understanding of the concepts we teach. Truly, the more you do it, the better you are, and our photography classes are a great place to get in there and start doing! Same goes for our Alumni group on Facebook and our Alumni events – come, join, share, comment, interact – and don’t be afraid! You can only learn more :D.
  4. They ask and listen. Yes, this one seems obvious, but you’ve come to us for a reason – we know our stuff. So if there is something that you want to know – ask! And then listen. Truly listen to what we’re saying and you’ll find you will have far greater success than assuming you have all of the answers already. That’s not to say there aren’t multiple ways of doing things, but potentially that youtube video you watched a week ago might not have the best answer for you in a practical manner – and the presenter of that video certainly isn’t by your side helping you figure it out on the spot. This goes for our post-course support too – we don’t expect you to remember everything (or to remember to ask everything), so take advantage of our awesome customer service and email / call / chat with us after your course – we’d love to hear from you, and help you out.
  5. They get involved. Getting involved with your fellow alumni after your course is a great way to share your passion with like-minded individuals. Post your photos on our Facebook group, suggest an event, and invite your fellow alumni on photography outings with you! The best part about this is that they have all learnt the same things in the same way that you have, so they are going to be able to provide amazing and relevant assistance to you while you’re exploring your new passion. Best of all? There is no judgement from our Alumni – want to shoot in Aperture Priority for the rest of your life? That’s ok! We will never look poorly on that decision (ok – maybe we’ll look poorly on your decision to switch back to full Auto permanently, but that’s another story entirely!). So get involved, connect and most importantly HAVE FUN!


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