Making the Most of Your Camera
So you have this gorgeous camera system, and you love it, and it takes amazing photos (even though we all know that comes from the photographer more than the camera!), but it stays in the cupboard way longer than it should.
Rest assured you’re not alone! Most of us feel like we should be spending more time out and about with our cameras and enjoying the rewards of some fun photo-taking sessions. But how do we do this? Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Make sure you have a comfortable setup.
Sometimes we don’t want to take our camera with us because it’s too heavy, bulky, uncomfortable or just inconvenient. This might be less about your camera choice and more about the way you have it setup for “on-the-go” use. Consider a new camera bag, try a new neck strap (maybe with better padding, or a longer reach, or quick-release clips), or test out a hand-strap (we love using our hand strap!). Maybe you have an over-the-shoulder camera bag that hurts your back? If so, switch to a backpack type system. There are so many ways you can set up your gear and you may have to experiment to see what feels best. Want some expert advice? Hop on Facebook (@learnphotographycanada) and post on our wall – we’ll help you (and your fellow photographers) figure out how to fix your specific problem!
Put your camera somewhere you won’t forget it.
I love walking our dogs. Love it to bits. I have a great walking path that I use routinely at sunset and it has a gorgeous view of the city. Every single time I go I think “damn, I wish I had my camera”. So here’s your next tip – put your camera somewhere you will USE it. The cupboard is a great place to collect dust, but your car is a great place to have your camera on hand, wherever you are!
Set yourself a challenge.
There are some great photo-a-day or photo-a-week challenges out there! Find one online or make up your own. How about this week you try taking a black and white photo every day? We’ll do it if you do! Adding some purpose to your photography gives you a good reason to pick up your camera and try something new.
Looking for something different? Why not pick a new skill that you want to learn? You can join us on a photography course, or join a meetup group around town! Remember to keep your expectations in line – a new skill is tough to learn so get the right kind of help and support!
Find inspiration and copy it.
What inspires you? Maybe you have someone on Instagram who you love to follow, maybe you want to be more like your photography instructor, or maybe you just had some photos taken of your family and you’d love to be able to do the same. Pick some work that inspires you and copy it! They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery and we believe that it’s the best way to learn!
Go in a group.
Friends make the journey so much more fun! Especially like minded friends who enjoy photography as much as you do (and don’t need to be dragged out there!). Set up a time and a place and head out together – you can work with each other, inspire each other, and most importantly encourage each other on this amazing journey. Don’t forget that you can ask for company and set up a photo meetup on our Alumni Facebook group! There is almost always someone there who wants to try the same things as you. Try it out – you’ll be surprised.
Now it’s your turn! Don’t forget to share your results with us!
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